Six Nations Ventures

Company Objectives

• Improve First Nations reputation in the business sector

• Indicate that Six First Nations Bands can work together successfully on one project.

• To champion Treaty and Aboriginal Rights in all our business ventures

• Give additional year round employment to First Nations

• Provide economic and social benefits to Shareholder communities through donations and eventually dividend.

• To support other First Nations companies to be successful and provide a good model for them to follow

• To create a work environment in the log yard operation that is conducive to employee safety, job satisfaction, community pride, personal growth and self-worth

SNV logo

• To complement all of Louisiana Pacific Canada ltd., functions at the mill site

• To further promote a good working relationship between Louisiana Pacific Canada ltd. /LP, the Governmental agencies and the Treaty Eight First Nations that will ultimately benefit First Nations

• To provide long-term economic and social benefits to those BC Treaty Eight First Nations

• To provide meaningful training and employment opportunities for our First Nations members who are qualified or meet our training needs

SNV Office

Six Nations Ventures onsite office.